Tuesday, May 29, 2018

There's No Coincidences In Trump's Orbit

Good Day World!

The Set-Up: Trump vows to help a major Chinese telecommunications company from going bust. 

Forget about everything Trump once agreed to about the company being a bad player and threatening national security.

Despite a history of violating American limits on doing business - and spying on us with cell phones - Trump suddenly wants to reverse the sanctions he put on the Chinese company - ZTE - when Congress forced him to take action.

At about the same time this reversal was taking place, lo and behold...Ivanka Trump was awarded seven new trademarks in China. Isn't that fortuitous? 

But wait! There's more; it's not only Ivanka's business getting a big boost by holding hands with Chinese officials. It turns out, in this extremely short time frame, the Chinese government made a $500 million loan for a theme park in Indonesia to...are you ready? Trump properties. 


Only if you believe in the tooth fairy, or Bigfoot.

Let's get real here. We're watching corruption unfold like an accordion with Donny's sneaky backdoor deals. Tit for tat. You rub my back, and I'll rub yours. You kiss my ass, and I'll kiss yours.

Democrats are calling for an investigation into ethics violations over this whole China mess, but they might as well be talking to a room full of deaf mutes wearing MAGA caps.

Those are Trump's negotiating tools. His art of the deal is more like the art of the steal, as he rips Americans off at every opportunity.

He's making the rich...richer, with tax breaks that corporations once had wet dreams about getting.

The Setup: Trump's attacked the Russia investigation from day one, doing everything in his power to stop it by getting rid of Mueller and Rosenstein, and other assorted tactics like lying about Obama putting a spy in his campaigns camp.


Oh hell, no! Those spineless GOP jellyfish in Congress are colluding with the president!

Fun fact: Trump has 100 trademarks in China.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, May 28, 2018

How A Sitting US President Normalized Lying

                                               Good Day World!

There's never been a more outright liar in the Oval Office in American history than Donald Trump. That's saying something when you think about it.

Pundits that keep score of his lies say they've increased since his first year in office from 4-5 daily, to up to nine times daily in the last five months!

That's outrageous. But it's the new normal.

How does Trump get away with so many lies? Mainstream polls show an average of 80 percent of Americans believe he tells lies.

Yet, he continues to lie at an alarming rate. His latest "Spy Gate" bullshit, shows how far he'll go...and with impunity. 

After 17 months of Trump lying daily, people are numb. They start to question reality. Just what Trump wants. 

We all know Donny's ego is colossal, but when he admits to seasoned reporter Leslie Stalh that he lies, on camera (60 Minutes), you know he's confident no one will do anything about it. 

Grinning like an albino ape, Trump said that he demeans and discredits the press so know one will believe negative stories about him.

Straight up. 

So why is it that tactic still working for Trump if the whole world knows he's a liar? A respected journalist visits Trump Tower after his victory in 2016 and records his hubris, but no one seemed to care.

Lying is contagious. Those around Trump have to lie their asses off - especially Sarah Huckabee Sanders. His West Wing staff followed his lead like lambs.

Meanwhile the Republicans in Congress continue to enable this blatant liar even after his numerous attacks against the intelligence community. He's openly threating the Department of Justice, and still no one has stopped him.

To my utter disgust, children can now see and hear these lies daily, coming from what was once the most respected office in all the land.

This doesn't bode well for the next generation who are growing up during this terrible time when we have a Liar-In-Chief running the country.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Right Wing Christians Claim Trump's Being Attacked By the Devil's Minions

Good Day World!

Sunday. A day set aside for worship. 

A day of peace. A day of rest.

A day for right-wing evangelicals to support the devil's spawn...Donald Trump.

Paul McGuire, evangelical author and radio show host, is leading the latest attacks against anyone who dares stand up to Trump.

The extent of the extremism we're seeing on the Christian Right is appalling. Their hateful attacks against anyone who is opposed to Trump and his corrupt regime, is hypocrisy times ten.

Here's how crazy it's gotten:

McGuire has accused anyone opposing Trump of literally being demonic! Really. 

I know it's hard to believe in this day and age of enlightenment, but there are people who believe crackpot theories like a globalist Luciferian rulership system out to get Donny.

This religious cult should be called Trumpism instead of evangelism. They claim we're experiencing one of the world's greatest spiritual battles when people resist Trump.

They're partly right about that. It's God versus Trump and his slavish minions.

These right-wingers sing Trump's praise while he systematically dismantles our democracy. All in the name of a God that doesn't fit in with the pantheon of great religions.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Trump Sneaks Lawyer in 'Gang of Eight' Meeting To Obstruct Justice

Good Day World!

Lawmakers are finally starting to realize the extent of Trump's effort to obstruct justice.

His all out attack on the Department of Justice (DOJ) in the last week, claiming his campaign was being spied on, is the latest example of the lies he spreads to muddy up the waters of the Russia investigation.

The DOJ has been knuckling under to Trump's demands to investigate his latest conspiracy theory.

On Thursday two of Trump's close cronies, Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy, were going to meet with DOJ department heads, leaving the Democrats out of the loop, but at the last minutes Adam Schiff was allowed to attend.

Trump had demanded the meeting be held because he wanted to expose the FBI's confidential informant, and tie him into his phony spy conspiracy that his friends like Hannity were all too glad to attack.

Then later in the day when the so-called Gang of Eight (four Democrats and four Republicans) met to get the same briefing (after a bipartisan Congressional outcry) from the DOJ.

Trump sent his Chief of Staff Kelly and his lawyer to attend...a clear violation of the way things are done.

No White House members have ever been allowed to attend Gang of Eight meetings. Trump, as usual, flouted conventions (and possibly the law) and sent his two "spies" in to listen.

There's no doubt what's happening. Trump is panicking and has gone into a survival mode that's rocking the laws of our land with impunity.

I fault the DOJ for not fighting back at this point. Rosenstein is trying to appease Trump in hopes he won't fire Mueller  who is getting closer to announcing the results of his investigation.

But Trump is a bully, and giving in to him only makes matters worse. At some point, Rosenstein is going to have to stiffen his spine and stand up to these breeches of our laws and conventions.

It might cost him his job, but history will prove him right in resisting Trump's assault on everything we hold dear in America. 

Make no mistake, we are in a constitutional crisis and it's going to be up to Republicans to help stop Trump from crippling our democracy.

They can start by stop enabling the corrupt bastard!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, May 25, 2018

Donny's Dream of 'Reality Show' Diplomacy With North Korea Dumped

                                            (NBC photo Illustration)                                

                                             Good Day World!

There was a rumor, right after Trump was elected, that circulated among the White House staff. 

According to this rumor, Trump told a staff member he "better like reality TV," because that's the way things were going to be with him as president.

He was right. A mixture of reality TV and an open assault against democracy have been getting him "yuge" ratings with his base.

The majority of the nation, and the world, thinks he's a narcissistic nut looking for applause in all the wrong places. His open desire to be like the strong men, aka dictators, that he worships, is deeply embarrassing coming from a US president.

During the whole North Korea dog and pony show in the last month or so, it looked like Trump might arrange a peace summit in Singapore. To the casual observer.

At one point Trump was fantasizing about how great the summit would be if it were held on the border between the two countries.

He talked about the party that could be held afterward as if the whole problem - stretching back for over four decades - could be solved in one hurried meeting.

It would be the pinnacle of Trump's wheeling and dealing career. That he even thought it was a realistic negotiation shows how naïve he can be. 

That certain Trump supporters starting talking about a Nobel Peace Prize for Trump BEFORE the meeting even took place is not surprising. They've bought into Trump's alternate reality.

I wonder what's going to happen to all those gold coins that Trump had minted to commemorate his great accomplishment, with his and Kim's faces on them? Taxpayers paid for that piece of vanity.

Trump, to his dismay, is finding out that being the president in real time isn't anything like his reality TV personality, where he could get away with saying anything without any repercussions. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, May 24, 2018

A Deadly Sound Strikes American Diplomats Again, is it Russia's Work?

                                              Good Day World!

Someone has developed a new technological weapon that is baffling American authorities.

This new weapon has been described as an "acoustic element" such as a "high-pitched beam of sound," or a "baffling sensation akin to driving with the windows partially open in a car.

The weapon appears to have premiered in Cuba where numerous diplomats have suffered "acoustic element" injuries over the last year. Cuba has denied doing it.

Victims experience ear pain, headaches, ringing in one ear, vertigo, disorientation, attention issues and signs consistent with mild traumatic brain injury or a concussion.

Yesterday a report was released regarding an incident involving a US government employee stationed in China who reported "abnormal sensations of sound and pressure" suggesting a mild brain injury.

US officials have said the China incident is "entirely consistent" to those experienced by American diplomats posted in Havana.

Thus far officials have issued a health alert in China. There's very little public speculation on who is conducting these sonic attacks. 

That troubles me. It either means we have no idea of who is orchestrating these sonic attacks, or we've discovered Russia has a new weapon, and we don't want to admit it for security reasons.

I strongly suspect the culprit is Russia. 

They easily could have been the bad actor in both cases. Causing dissent between other countries and America is a primary goal of Putin. We saw that in the 2016 election.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out with trade negotiations, and talks about North Korea with, China. 

The game is afoot...

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Trump's Battle To Keep The Swamp Full

Good Day World!

Trump, aka swamp rat, has been fighting an uphill battle to keep the swamp in Washington DC well-stocked since the first month of his Russia/Saudi,UAE assisted theft of the presidency.

Here's a list of 30 White House staff and cabinet members who were appointed by Trump, who are gone now. To Trump's dumb surprise, it's harder to keep the swamp full than he thought.

Nearly every one of the 30 people listed above, were involved in scandals to some degree.

Several of his current appointees, Scott Pruitt, Ben Carson, and Betsy DeVos, are being investigated for a range of reasons running from ethics violations to ripping off taxpayers with over-the-top indulgences.

Here's an interesting contrast to what's actually happening:

Remember when Donny was going TO DRAIN THE SWAMP? Oct. 25th, 2016

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Price For Starting a Wildfire, Rumors of a Supreme Retirement, and New Dem Direction

Good Day World!

Tuesday is like driving in second gear. You're starting to pick up momentum for the week. 

I live in Medford, Oregon and can recall last summer's fires when the Rogue Valley was plagued with smoke and unsafe air qualities for nearly two months.

It sucked hard, so I didn't feel a lot of sympathy for the clown who started it - a teenager too young to be publicly named. The courts ordered him to pay for that fire yesterday to the tune of 37 million dollars.

I'm not sure what monthly payments would look like, but the kid has been ordered to pay restitution for at least the next decade.

I'm also willing to bet he never pays the whole bill.

Moving on...Those troublesome rumors of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy retiring have resurfaced. The rumor originally started last Spring.

As you can imagine, Republicans are salivating at the thought. If Kennedy retired right now it would give the GOP's Senate majority time to confirm his replacement before the midterm elections.

I'm crossing my fingers he stays, at least until the end of the year...or longer.

Moving on...

Have you heard the Democrats latest campaigning strategy for the midterms? They're going to highlight the corruption under the Trump administration. 

Normally, that would be a good tact to take. It's helped elect many  a president. But in this era of Trumpism, good is bad, and bad is good.

With the help of Fox News, Hannity, Brietbart, The National Inquirer, InfoWars, and alt-right trolls, truth will be trampled in conspiracies and lies.

Trump's supporters are like lemmings, and will walk off a cliff with Donny without considering the ramifications.

I'd like to see the Democrats concentrate on what's important in the area they're planning on representing, and to ignore Washington politics. 

Trump is like the tar baby of lore, the more you hit him, the deeper you sink.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Monday, May 21, 2018

We're No Longer The United States

Good Day World!

United is the last word I'd use describing the state of affairs in America.

People often talk about the polarization between Democrats and Republicans, but it goes much deeper than that.

Americans are also divided by where they live, their religion, ideologies, and race.

For example:

Look at the Parkland shooting in Florida and compare that to what happened at Santa Fe High School in Texas. The Parkland students organized and protested the slaughter they said was because of lack of gun control laws.

But it was a different story in Texas. No students talked about gun control after the massacre. No teachers of local authorities talked about gun control, instead opting out for prayers...like they've made a difference in the past.

Another example:

States and cities have been standing up to Trump's racist agenda and his assault on so-called sanctuary cities. That's ended up being a battle between states rights and the federal government under a dictator.

The latest knee-jerk reaction to that is happening in Illinois where some cities are declaring themselves sanctuaries for guns. True story.

In the relatively short time that Trump has been assaulting the rules of the land and carrying out his racist agenda, the country has lost it's moral bearings.

Nazi's are good people too, according to Trump. By giving the alt-right the room to crawl out from beneath their hidden places in society, the Trump regime has let the genie out of the bottle.

California has been talking about succeeding from the United States and becoming a country in it's own right, with the 5th largest economy in the world.

American unity is increasingly becoming a thing of the past. Most of the southern states would willing succeed to establish a new confederacy if they thought they could pull it off.

It's more than just different dialects separating regions from Maine to Texas in the Trump era. Extremists on the right and left have become emboldened enough to seek public offices, running on lies and people's fears.

In our national dialogue you have the uneducated attacking colleges and anything they suspect is "elite," like Hollywood for instance.

As a result of the things I mentioned above, our nation has become so fragmented that it's no exaggeration to say we are no longer The United States of America.

Time for me to walk on down the road...


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Don Jr. and Senior Trump's Excellent Adventures

                                           Good Day World!

Lying is an art form in the Trump clan. Being dumb also goes with the territory.

Our Liar-In-Chief is so dumb it hurts to look at him. It doesn't help that he's proud of the fact that he doesn't read. 

Fun fact - all White House morning briefings have to be under a page, or Donny's attention wanders off. Graphics are also very important to keep him focused for a few minutes. 

And then there's the apple that fell from the same tree of stupidity...Don. Jr. 

I'm sure he makes his dad proud when he lies to investigators about colluding with Russia - and now about two more foreign governments - that wanted his daddy to win real bad.

What we know:

Mueller is already investigating a meeting at Trump Tower involving Don Jr. and other Trump associates looking for dirt on Hillary Clinton. In June 2016 a foreign government - Russia - supported Trump and did everything it could to get him elected.    

And now, thanks to the New York Times, we find out that Don Jr. was a very busy boy drumming up support from other foreign countries that wanted his dad to win the election.

A small group gathered three months before the 2016 election. It consisted of two wealthy Arab princes, an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation, and a Republican donor with a controversial past in the Middle East as a private security contractor.

One of Trump's most prominent supporters, Erik Prince, the former CEO of the controversial security firm Blackwater, now called Academi, and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, organized the meeting, according to the Times report.

The two wealthy Arabs were there on behalf of their countries: Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates. 

They must have gotten their piece of the Trump pie along with the Russians when you think about the elaborate reception Trump got when he came to Saudi Arabia as a newly minted American president.

Then there was the time Don. Jr. claimed daddy didn't know a thing about the Trump Tower Russia meeting, got caught lying about it, and changed his story...as daddy dictated a new response to the media for his dumb son.

I could go on, but enough about past bumblings. I'm enjoying watching the current dumb things junior and dad are saying almost daily. It's (stealing the presidency with a little help from foreign friends) been an excellent adventure thus far.

I can't wait to see the conclusion.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, May 19, 2018

More Dead Students:Trump Sends Prayers, Parkland Survivor Scolds Politicians, Nothing Changes

Good Day World!

I'm sure glad that I'm not a kid going to school these days. 

It's just not safe.

With yesterday's latest school shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas, there's been 31 incidents of guns going off in schools across the nation this year.

And it's only May.

These school shootings are like a deadly version of the 1993 movie, Groundhog Day

Once again a disturbed white boy who lived and breathed guns, 17-year old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, has chosen to murder his classmates in dramatic fashion.

Do you find it disturbing that I said, once again a white boy is the killer? Don't. How many of these school shootings have been done by people of color? 

I'll wait while you look, but I can save you time and say the answer is...zero. Imagine if one of those shooters were Black or Hispanic? The uproar would have triggered riots against people of color until the next decade.

That's the nice thing about white privilege in America. You get a pass on a lot of things.

As politicians and the NRA scramble to put a spin on this latest attack, there's one thing we can count on...nothing will be done. No bills passed. No new safety measures.

It doesn't matter if it's 16 students slaughtered, or ten; politicians will crawl into their protective shells and wait out the flak from an enraged majority of Americans.

We know Trump won't do anything about gun control. He showed us that after the Parkland massacre. His tough talk about not being afraid of the NRA was just another Trump joke on us.

Remember what happened? The day after he teased other politicians about being afraid of the NRA he met with their leadership - in the Oval Office - and went on to do exactly nothing to reign the gun group in.

Watch how the Trump administration pretends its going to do something about gun control after this Texas shooting. Expect more lies to calm the public down. And more false prayers.

Just don't be fooled; there will be no gun control in this country until Trump, and the NRA-beholden Republicans (think Marco Rubio) in Congress are run out of Washington DC.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...