Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Las Vegas Massacre: The Biggest Question is Why?

Good Day World!

Like millions of other Americans, I'm still in shock at what happened in Las Vegas.

It was a well-planned massacre. There's no other way to put it. Perhaps the scariest part of the whole thing is this killer doesn't fit the usual profile of serial killers.

Everyone who knew him, including his family, were shocked at what he did. There's nothing in his past - no criminal record - no indication of anything abnormal about the guy.

What Americans have to understand is that we are never really safe against a "Lone Wolf" attacker.

No amount of planning or making new laws is going to change the fact that there is no way to stop a determined person from attacking innocent people.

All the experts agree. Weapons are as easy to get as candy. If you can't get a weapon legally, there's plenty of illegal alternatives.

There will be political debates for months about this terrible massacre. In the end, nothing is going to change. Americans love their guns, and are paying the price for their passion.

I hate to sound so cynical, but you and I both know it's the truth. The NRA owns Congress, so don't even think about those politically biased bastards making any positive changes.  

I'd like to say things will get better...but I can't. All I can do is pray for those innocent people who lost their lives for no reason.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, October 2, 2017

Reality Show Back For Another Season: Meet The Booger Family

Good Day World!

The Booger family is back by popular demand!

It seems thousands of readers couldn’t get enough of this reality show when it appeared last September.

So, in case you missed it, here’s your chance to weigh in on this popular reality show:


Travel through Texas with the Booger family as they gross out restaurant patrons throughout the Lone Star state.

Watch as Pa Booger, Ma Booger, daughters Mandy and Randy, and son Jim Bob blow diners minds with well-timed Booger battles.

Listen to Booger family members as they explain their existence. Their mission in life.

Pa, a retired preacher and classic Booger collector, wants the world to know that there’s a place in the world for Boogers.

He’s best known for his long stringy boogers.

Ma constantly catches her kids off-guard, and blows boogers at them.

Twins Mandy, and Randy, have an ongoing argument over which has the better booger blower and which is the most accurate.

Jim Bob likes to eat boogers. And he’s not too particular whose.

Viewers will get to follow their adventures weekly as they travel about in their custom Bogermobile bus.

At the end of every episode, viewers are asked to send in the names of restaurants they’d like to see them appear at.

Related video:
See the world’s biggest booger!

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Trump and Session's Renewed War on Marijuana is a Pathetic Ploy To Cater To His Base

Good Day World!

The latest from the Believe it or Not files:

Did you know that there's three marijuana arrests made every minute, day in and day out, in America? 

According to FBI figures, pot arrests are on the increase since Trump took office. That's a complete reversal of the last seven years.

Since last November, the arrest total for marijuana offenses tripled. Drug offenses were the single largest category of crimes for which people were arrested, more than burglaries, DUIs or any other criminal offense. 

The FBI reported some 653,000 people arrested on marijuana charges just last year.

Think about that.

Trump's favorite minion, Jeff Sessions, was given the green light to arrest nearly a million people for substance abuse in 2016, despite the fact that alcohol is considerably more risky and drunk drivers continue to push up insurance rates.

There's no good reason to criminalize marijuana use, which has devastated families across the U.S., particularly in communities of color.

Polls consistently show the majority of Americans are for legalization of marijuana.

Recreational marijuana use is now legal in eight states and the District of Columbia — with a majority of U.S. states offering legal cannabis products to patients for medical use.

Once again, Trump is going against the majority of Americans will, so he can cater to his core base of supporters.

It makes me wonder at what point will a majority of Americans get what they want?

It's apparent Trump has his own hateful agenda that feeds off fear, lies, and racism.

Resurrecting the War on Drugs - which was a complete failure -  reinforces how out-of-touch the Trump regime is with the majority of Americans.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Trump's Hyprocrisy Over Email Investigation of His Family and Staffers

                                 Good Day World!

I'm trying real hard not to let Trump and minions sour the milk in my coffee this morning with their overt hypocrisy.

The latest case is about an investigation into private email accounts being used for government business. Sound familiar?

Remember Trump's rallies where he stirred up supporters about Hillary Clinton's use of a private server?

"Lock her up! Lock her up!" Became, and still is, a mandatory chant at all Trump rallies.

Here's the deal; investigators have begun pulling batches of emails on the White House server to and from the private accounts of senior aides.

Politico first reported last week that Kushner had used personal email for government matters

Investigators are particularly interest in Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.

They are reviewing their accounts to determine whether any of the messages are relevant to the investigations into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia.

They are also expected to scrutinize whether any classified information was put at risk.

Meanwhile CNN reported that, in his closed interview with the staff of the Senate intelligence committee, Kushner made no mention of his personal email account.

Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary and expert liar, told reporters on Thursday: “The White House has been clear and instructs all staff to fully comply with presidential records acts."

Oh, I see. They didn't know what they were doing was wrong and Daddy told them to stop.

Please...the majority of Americans know better. It was a blatant display of hypocrisy.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, September 29, 2017

Trump's 'Middle Class Miracle' is More like Christmas For The Wealthy

Good Day World!

A new con is on. Donny calls it "The Middle Class Miracle."

He failed with his racist immigration con, and overturning Obamacare.

So, now he's rolled out a tax plan that is a gift to his wealthy friends and corporations. It's wrapped in lies, few details, and lots of bullshit about how it's all about the middle class getting breaks.

New York Times writer analyzed Donny's latest con : Trump Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy, Including Trump.

This should come as no surprise to anyone. Not even the morons who voted for him because he was a "businessman" (like that's some kind of magical endorsement).

Anyone whose bothered to look into Trump's past knows he was a shitty businessman who declared bankruptcy several times, and had a lot of shady business deals with wealthy Russians and mobsters (more on that in Mueller's report when the investigation into collusion with the Russians is released).

Since when is being a businessman president of the United States a good thing? Who started that ridiculous rumor?

People like Donny have tons of skeletons in their past, and no history of caring about the American middle class and poor.

The businessman mindset was a farce from the start.

We needed an educated president who isn't a racist and a liar. Not some wheeler-dealer whose embarrassing millions of Americans with his ignorance on almost any subject.

Here we go again. Trump wants us to believe another one of his lies.

The truth is this Big Tax Plan for the middle class, doesn't even have any details on how the middle class or poor will be affected.

The interesting thing is cuts for the wealthy - like doing away with estate taxes which only helps uber-rich like Donny - and a clause to defer their taxes have been spelled out.

That doesn't sound like a middle class miracle to me, as Trump claimed when announcing this latest scheme. It sounds more like Christmas for the wealthy than anything else.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Snakes Stories and a Piss-Poor President

Good Day World!

How are you doing?

I'm sitting here at my keyboard pecking away some thoughts for the day, while sipping some cannabis infused coffee.

Yes. Wake and bake. It's great to be retired. It would be even greater if I wasn't an old coot now!

Did you see that story in the St. Louis Dispatch about the woman who was bitten by a copperhead snake while eating in a restaurant?

Talk about an appetite suppressant! The snake bit her foot and held on while she tried to kick it off! Her boyfriend and son stomped on it, sending it to snake heaven.

Moving on...

It's really sad that we have a president who likes to pick fights with people, or organizations, on twitter. The clown wasn't even aware that Puerto Rico is an American territory when he told the governor to talk with his leader about getting help!

Reportedly he couldn't understand how an "Island of Spics" could be full of Americans with the right to go back and forth to the mainland anytime they wanted.

Trump complained Puerto Rican refugees that are flocking to the mainland are setting a bad optic for illegal Mexicans who will sneak in with them.

It's enough to make a person puke. How did we ever get such a bastard for a president?

Moving on...

Another snake whose made the news, showed up in an 88-year old man's toilet.

The North Carolina man asked his neighbor to help get rid of the snake.

All I can say is that neighbor must have been his best friend, or a relative, because he used his bare hands to pull a six-foot snake out of that toilet bowl.

Okay. One more snake story, and I'm done:

Try to imagine your a customer at an auto parts store and you have to suddenly take a dump. You lift the toilet seat and see...a friggin Python!

The male store owners have said they caught that bad boy on camera lurking there twice. My question is were they looking for a snake, or women dropping their drawers? 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What's Keeping Kelly From Saying Goodbye To Trump?

Good Day World!

The only adult in the White House right now is getting tired of the man-baby-in-charge stirring up shit for no reason. 

John Kelly is surrounded with Trump minions who are afraid to deal with Baby Trump's tantrums, tweets, and attacks on the American people.

Imagine how lonely Kelly's job is? He has to deal with a staff that doesn't use more than four letters a word in order to communicate with Donny. 

I can just see Kelly gritting his teeth when Trump went off script at a rally in Alabama and attacked NFL players for kneeling during the National Anthem.

Trump, who loves playing before a crowd, worked himself into a lather attacking "Rocket Man" North Korea's deranged leader, and the NFL.

He was supposed to be there to support a Republican candidate, Luther Strange. But a strange thing happened when the crowd started begging for meat from Donny the ringmaster.

This is what Kelly is up against. He now knows that Trump will tweet about anything, no matter how divisive if he feels like it.

Worse, Trump can go off-script at a moment's notice, no matter how important the setting is, or how hard Kelly pleads with him to grow up.

Kelly once remarked he'd never been so badly treated by a person before than when Trump went off on him in one of his rants. Yet, he stayed.

You can watch Kelly's body language to see the agony he goes through when Trump is on a roll, and he's in the same room with nowhere to go.

This is not a happy man. How long do you suppose he'll stick around before joining the Exodus from the White House? 

You have to wonder what keeps Kelly going? Why does he stay?

Does he realize how dangerous Trump is, and that if he leaves the wackaloons will return like sparrows to San Juan Capistrano?

Kelly may be the only stop gap between Trump and "the button" right now while he's busy baiting another man-child with nukes in North Korea.

That's something to think about.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Trump Era: 'Divided We Fall'

Good Day World!

I just finished reading an article written by a group of professional psychotherapists who are troubled by the environment of rampant dishonesty in the White House.

The group is also very concerned about the daily disregard of civil and social norms by the president, and the threats he makes against vulnerable people.

Other concerns:

* Policies and rhetoric that undermine progress on the environment

* Trump could care less about humane immigration laws.

* Thus far, Trump's agenda against race and gender has proven toxic and millions of Americans are feeling disenfranchised.

Those Republicans in Congress who are enabling the Liar-In-Chief, are complicit in Trump's hateful agenda.

Even though they know he's a world class liar, they have been trying to dismantle our nations health care system just to score some vague ideological points.

However, I have noticed the pushback from a majority of Americans, from pro athletes to women marching for equality.

I have hope this country will survive Trump's assault on everything we stand for. There's too many good people in this country who want to reunite America.

They can start by voting in 2018, and getting The House of Representatives back from Republican control.

When the 2020 presidential elections roll around hopefully we'll have a record turnout to take Trump out of office (that is if he's still there, and doesn't get impeached and indicted for obstruction of justice and colluding with the Russians).

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, September 25, 2017

'Barking Dogs,' S.O.B's, 'Rocket Man,' Anthem Tantrums: WH Calling...

Good Day World!

It's the White House calling...

Ask not what your country can do for you...oh wait a minute!

This is the Trump era and his minions all believe taxpayers money is theirs to play with.

For example, how about one of Trump's poster children for corruption, Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin, who thought it was perfectly fine to request a U.S. Military jet for his European honeymoon last August.

Someday, historians are going to look back at Trump's ruinous regime. They'll undoubtedly be amused at his twitter storms and total lack of diplomacy.

On a slow Friday night in Alabama during a political rally, Trump decided to tackle athletes who knelt during the National Anthem, calling them sons of bitches for not standing.

In a head-twisting moment reminiscent of The Exorcist Trump swiveled his slander to North Korea's Rocket Man and how he wasn't going to be around for much longer.

That of course got a personal response from Kim who called Donny a "barking dog" and "dotard," which I thought was pretty accurate.

It's getting so people don't want to go to the White House (gee, I can't imagine why) like Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors basketball team.

When Trump heard he didn't want to visit the White House he did the only thing a responsible mature president would do - NOT! 

He rescinded the White House invitation for the whole team (who by the way, hadn't decided if they were going to visit or not). Coach Kerr gave the kindergartner in the Oval Office something to think about when he defended people's right to protest.

Thanks to Trump's twitter addiction, we can be sure he'll continue to try to dismantle our society. He is the great divider - not uniter.

It's also fair to say Trump has also stoked the fires of racism in this country like a little kid toasting marshmallow's. Sad. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Trump Once Again Displays His Stupidity By Attacking Football Players

Good Day World!

It's Sunday Football in America, and Trump is calling football players sons of bitches!

In another of his infantile tweetstorms, Trump suggested football players should be fired for taking a knee during the National Anthem.

The reaction from football players, owners, and the leagues commissioner, was one of disgust and alarm. The consensus was Trump needs to stick to politics and leave sports alone.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell released a statement Saturday morning in response to Mr. Trump's comments.

"Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities," Goodell said.

Trump doubled down on his hateful speech by saying that any owner who followed his encouragement would become the "Most popular person in the country - at least for a week."

The NFL Players Association also reacted to Trump's comments Saturday morning in a statement.

"We will never back down. We no longer can afford to stick to sports," executive director DeMaurice Smith said.
"This union ... will never back down when it comes to constitutional rights of our players as citizens as well as their safety as men in a game that exposes them to great risks."

Trump was back at it this morning, demanding that teams fire any player who doesn't stand during the National Anthem. Even Trump's buddy, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, called him out on his stupid comments.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Klatch Time

Good Day World!

Have you got a nice hot cup of coffee going?

Good. Let's chat about some of the issues in our world today while sipping some Joe. Topics are wide open.

A new documentary on Vietnam came out last week and once again the North Vietnamese side of the story is sorely lacking.

If you saw it, I'd love to hear your take on the documentary. You can comment with the link provided at the end of this post.

Thoughts on Walls:

The hideous black WALL in Washington DC dedicated to those Vietnam veterans who died, is really a stark reminder of failed colonialism.

Trump's WALL is a right-wing fantasy that has failed to materialize...yet.
Joseph Fort Newton once said,
Joseph Fort Newton “Men build too many WALLS and not enough bridges.”
That's spot on for what's happening today.

On Natural Disasters:

Is it just me, or is there an awful lot of natural disasters happening this year?

Hurricane after record-breaking hurricane has been savaging the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, and southern states. Hurricane Harvey hit Texas like a runaway freight train.

There's been earthquakes and volcanoes erupting along the Pacific "Rim of Fire." Mexico was especially hard hit with two big earthquakes.

Major fires across the nation this summer struck particularly hard in the west, with states like California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Montana burning out-of-control for weeks and even months.

Is it time to sit down and really examine Global Warming and what we can do about it?

What do you think is happening?

Is Global Warming fake news? Is it something we should be very concerned about? I'd like to hear your take on this topic that seems to divide so many Americans today.

If you'd like to send me your comments via email, my address is: richarddavestancliff@gmail.com 

How Close Are We To Nuclear War?

Donny and Kim's pissing match is getting serious. The two man-children are engrossed with throwing shit at one another, to the determent of a peaceful solution.

I try not to picture those two crazy bastards sitting next to "The Button." It harshes my high for the day.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...