Tuesday, November 15, 2016

#FriendsGiving Day: A Day of Unity When Neighbors Meet and Celebrate Life

                                       Good Day World!

My neighborhood is a cross section of conservatives and liberals, yet we all get along.

Even after the nastiest presidential election in American history.

We've all decided to start a new tradition (11/19/16); #FriendsGiving Day. It's kinda like a warm-up for Thanksgiving Day.

With all the hate going on in this country we - the neighborhood - want people to know that life goes on regardless of what happens politically.

I can't begin to express how nice it is to know your neighbors. When we get together it's not about politics or religion - it's about bonding.

We know who voted for president in this closed little community, but out of mutual respect, we don't discuss it. There's no finger pointing or accusations.

We all know life is too short for that.

So we're gathering as friends who enjoy good times and good food. I think it's a great tradition to start and would love to see neighborhoods across America coming together in mutual respect.

#FreindsGiving Day is a path for re-uniting a divided America. One of many that need to be taken to restore the damage that was done in the last year.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, November 14, 2016

Lie, Lie, I Thought I'd Die...

Good Day World!

A poem to start your week.

A thought for the day.

A tidbit to chew on
and then throw away!

Why Lie?

if death were nigh
wouldn't you lie?
and say pigs can fly?
or aspargus could cry?
that unicorns only have one eye?
That the Pope gets high?
That green is the color of the sky?
and you don't know why
you're no tough guy
acting all spry
so don't even imply
that you have an alibi
to justify
why you'd be eager to die
like a samurai
to simply satisfy
and testify
that you don't lie?

Sunday, November 13, 2016

What's The Funniest Thing You've Heard Lately?

Good Day World!

I remember watching child star Jay North play Dennis The Menace on TV.

He terrorized his neighbor, Mr. Wilson, to the amusment of millions of TV viewers. 

I wondered what happened to him, and did a little research to find out what he's doing now.

Are you ready for this?.

He's now a correctional officer. Looks like the bad boy grew up to be a good guy!


A campaign ad for Gerald Daugherty, a Republican candidate for Travis County commissioner in Texas, had this plea from his wife in it:

"Re-elect him before he drives me crazy!"


A quick change of pace. From funny to Twilight Zone...

Here's what a student (Michael Lee) said in his 1993 High School Yearbook:

"Chicago Cubs, 2016 World Champions. You heard it here first."


Metta World Peace, who plays for the LA Lakers, claimed ghosts were touching him inappropriately while staying at the Skirvin Hotel in Oklahoma City.

"The ghosts were all over me. I just accepted it" he said, according to NewsOk.com. 


Then there was the Ohio mom who put up this sign in her house:

"This room has been cleaned for the holidays and is officially CLOSED until Thanksgiving."


And finally, a funny famous quote to send you on your way:

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Here's how the dream went...

                                      Good Day World!

A poem for you today... 

In the dream…

I saw a trail of tears
Immigrants worst fears
For the next four years
Unscrupulous profiteers
And budgeteers
Backing electioneers
Who expand frontiers
For racketeers
From here to Algiers
All financiers of fear
Is the operating word here
Faster than light-years
These bullies and bombardiers
Are searching for volunteers
To beat up queers
And drink cheap beers
With their racist peers
Who have been around for years
Grabbing pussy’s amid cheers
These fact defiers
Who light the fires
Of fear
From year-to-year

I woke wondering how will America persevere?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Trump Era Begins: Grab a Pussy and Praise the Electoral College

Good Day World!

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote (over a million voters), but lost the election when the Electoral College awarded Trump ten more delegates than her.

This is the same Electoral College that Trump has been saying is "rigged" and we ought to get rid of. I think he was right.

Look what happened. When he found out that he benefited from the flawed system he decried earlier, Donny Little Hands tweeted with joy.

When Americans woke up Wednesday morning they were stunned to see that once again the popular vote was cast aside (one million voters) and the contest was decided in the controversial Electoral College.

No surprise the hashtag #NotMyPresident has been trending. Americans have once again been cheated. Bush vs Dole was the last time the majority of American votes were nullified.

No other democracy in the world has a system like ours. And ours is flawed. This election proves it once again.

So now we get the Trump era, where anything goes for rich white folks and the common man loses his voice. Middle income earners will find themselves joining the ranks of the poor.

Meanwhile the state of California is looking at succeeding from the union. It's disenfranchised voters don't want to live in Trump's America.

Californians are not ready to grab a pussy or prosecute people based upon their color or sexual preference. California has 11 million residents and could become the 33rd largest country in the world if it goes on it's own.

Trump, the Divider, hasn't even been sworn into office yet and we already have a state preparing to succeed. Imagine what the next 100 days will bring?

Americans have been cheated for too long with our flawed version of democracy. 

I worry that the backlash from this election is going to turn violent, and the America that we once knew will no longer exist.

The Trump Era has begun.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Has Swedish Law Finally Caught Up To Accused Rapist Julian Assange?

Good Day World!

WikiLeaks founder and accused rapist, Julian Assange, will finally face questioning about sex crimes he allegedly committed four years ago.

An unusual arrangement to try his case was made between Ecuadorian and Swedish authorities who plan on questioning him November 14th.

An interview was arranged (at the Ecuadorian Embassy) with an Ecuadorian prosecutor, a Swedish prosecutor and police investigator, who will all ask him questions. If he agrees, they also want a DNA sample.

Seeing as how Assange has skipped being proscuted from three other cases of sex crimes - they expired due to statutes of limitation while the coward was hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy - it's important that the fourth case of rape have all the evidence possible.

Rape is rape.

Assange tried to get the case overthrown in September, but a Swedish court upheld it. Perhaps this lowlife, who has caused so many people grief, will finally get a taste of real justice. 

I can only hope.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Day of the Demogogue and the Death of Democracy

                                        Good Day World!

Valdimir Putin is dancing in the Kremlin today because his buddy Donald Trump got elected president of the United States.

The bromance is really on now.

I'm stunned and shocked. How could we do this to ourselves? Trump is the most unqualified president to ever invade the White House.

But slightly more than half of Americans voted for him hoping for change. They're going to get change alright...but not the kind they were thinking.

The rest of the world is watching with bated breath as Donny Little Hands snuggles up to the nuke button and grins.

The Trump White House will be nothing more than a big top tent for the circus ahead. Minorities are cringing. Waiting for Trump to come after them.

My disappointment is profound this morning. I feel like America has sunk to a new low here, and in the world's eyes. We've officially become a laughingstock.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day Is Here: Pray for America!

                                         Good Day World!

I hope you are taking advantage of your right as an America to vote today. I voted two weeks ago (Oregon).

I'm looking for a record turnout of voters today. That would go to Hillary Clinton's advantage, as she appeals to a wider cross section of Americans.

The question people are asking is what will Donald Trump supporters do when he loses? The odds are he will lose, according to the most recent poll (November 7).

We know Trump's temperament now. He refused to say he would accept the election results when repeatedly asked by the press... unless he wins, of course.

If that sounds like a petulant 4th grader, it's because mentally he's still in grade school in a mythical time when America was great, and only white men ruled.

When I look at the one demographic Trump leads in it makes me nauseous. White guys my age. I have to add, under-educated whites, not ones with college degrees like myself.

Still, it's troubling to see how any group could support the demogogue known as Trump.

As a country, we need to move on from all of this hate and bitterness and wage a campaign to make America kind again! 

The world is watching.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, November 7, 2016

My Birthday Wish Today: That al-Qaeda Doesn't Attack Any States

Good Day World!

I'm officially retired (I start get social security retirement) today at 66-years old.

Not sure how I feel about that. But something is really harshing my high right now.

The terrorist group al-Qaeda has threatened to attack New York, Texas, and Virginia today. I sure would hate to see that happen on any day.

The creeps united under ISIS have also been threatening attacks against our homeland.

It seems like the whole world is out to disrupt our presidential elections. 

Cyber attacks from Putin and his punks have razed hackles enough in Washington for the administration to plainly promise retaliation if any cyber attacks attempt to disrupt the elections today, or tomorrow.

I know peace on earth isn't going to happen today, or any day in the near future. Humans are just too quarrelsome for that possibility.

While I'm not thrilled to be an official old fart, I suppose it is better than the alternative!

Peace out! Please!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, November 6, 2016

FaceBook Follies: Fighting Misinformation and Hackers Out to Ruin Your Day

Good Day World!

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother doing the FaceBook thing.

My account was hacked by some creep last week who tried to scam my friends and family. 

Most caught on to the fake account created by the hacker, but there was at least one family member who was on his way to withdrawing money to send to the hacker (who he thought was me).

Thank goodness, he called my wife before stepping foot inside his bank to withdraw money, and she set him straight. The pitfalls of being on FaceBook are very real.

Hacked FaceBook accounts are a growing concern as scamers get more sophisticated.

Some ways to tell if your account has been hacked are:
  • Your name, birthday, email or password has been changed.
  • Someone sent out friend requests to people you don't know.
  • Messages have been sent from your account, but you didn't write them.
  • Posts are appearing on your timeline that you didn't post.

In addition to hackers you have to be concerned about misinformation dumps. They're popular. Here's a study that finds people like the wrong stuff on social media better and why.

The most popular post spreading misinformation claimed Zika virus is a "fraudulent medical hoax" and was viewed more than 530,000 times. It was also shared with more than 19,600 people.

What's really disturbing is that the websites or videos that are spreading this misinformation are trying to take the focus completely away from the issue.

Something to consider about this new study; by only evaluating popular posts, it may have underestimated the spread of misinformation by people online.

FYI:  two-thirds of U.S. adults use Facebook and many get their news from the website.

The bottom line; as long as people don't check the credibility of information this problem will never go away. 

Time for me to walk on down the road..

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Koch Brothers Bring Out The Big Guns To Fight Election Transparency

                                        Good Day World!

Those zany billionaire brothers, Charles and David Koch never let up on their attacks against transparent democracy. 

Their latest assault on truth, an anti-corruption measure (Measure 22 or IM-22) to be voted on in South Dakota's upcoming elections, is par for the course. 

The last thing the Koch boys want is transparency in elections. Both are believers in "dark money" and other nefarious ways to rig elections.

The state-wide initiative was launched by a bipartisan group called the South Dakotans for Integrity. If passed, South Dakota voters may finally have some way of knowing who is bankrolling those big money ads before an election.

But not if the Koch's get their way. They've gathered a dark empire of billionaires and millionaires intent on controlling the country.

I'm not a conspiracist. I don't think Climate Change is a Chinese plot. I believe president Obama was born in the United States.

What I'm sharing with you are facts about how the Koch brothers and other wealthy elite types are subverting democracy and the common man's best interests.

Remember, knowledge is power. By shining the light of truth upon the Koch brothers and their cronies, you send them scurrying into the shadows.


Koch Funding of Universities Shrouded In Secrecy

How Scott Walker and The Koch Brothers Are Making Wisconsin Corruption-Friendly

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...