Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The tax man cometh: how much did you pay for America’s wars this year?


What the heck? While you’re figuring out you taxes, due on April 18th, here’s something else you can figure out: How much did you pay to support the USA’s colonialism?

When will we say “Enough?”

Watch the video.
See how much of your income taxes will pay for war.


If the clowns go what would a government shutdown look like?

Forget “Bring on the Clowns,” because the new version for that old phrase is “Watch the Clowns Do Nothing!” in 2011.

Based upon past shutdowns (1995-1996), here’s what we can expect if our dysfunctional government decides to shut down:

First off, forget about going to the National Zoo in Washington. It’ll won’t be open. I hope you don’t plan on going to any national parks when our polarized politicians are playing their games, because they won’t be open.

If you have a refund coming from The Internal Revenue Service, you’re going to have to wait a while because they could stop issuing refund checks.

How serious are these Republican and Democratic morons about going through with their tantrum? Today, “nonessential employees” were told to “..turn off their BlackBerrys during a shutdown, or risk punishment for working while on furlough.”

The Smithsonian Institution has a sign ready: “Closed for government shutdown.” Just think how thrilled  tourists will be when they arrive this spring and find that out. That’s not going to be pretty! It would be nice if they could give fair warning to the public, but guess what? No one knows when the “Bad Day” will arrive, or how long the shutdown will be.

No cleanup work was done at toxic waste sites during the last two shutdowns because contractors could not be paid and Environmental Protection Agency officials could not monitor cleanup work. No reason not to think the same thing will happen again.

As It Stands, if the clowns are no longer funny, then it’s time for a whole new show. Sweep ‘em all out and start over!

Here’s an article on this subject from today’s headlines:

As shutdown looms, agencies brace for impact

Beware of smiling faces–grining lawmaker unveils plan to dismantle Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare

Paul Ryan, Republicans Sign On To End Medicare

Makes you want to move to Wisconsin doesn’t it? Not!!

Here’s the latest attack on middle America from the Greed Only Party. Rep. Ryan plan’s on leaving seniors out in the cold.

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan officially unveiled his much-anticipated 2012 budget yesterday, which he dubbed the "Path to Prosperity," which includes ambitious plans to dismantle Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. National media tripped all over itself calling it a "conversion" of traditional Medicaid into a voucher program rather than actually report it as an elimination of the program all together, even though it actually changes the system from a national coverage plan to a voucher system that leaves seniors on their own to find private insurance instead.

Story here

Spies and news anchors: Like ABC, Fox Had FBI Mole In Its Midst

From the Smoking Gun this morning…

“Turns out ABC wasn’t the only television outfit to have an FBI mole in its ranks during the 1990s, according to bureau memos.

A “Fox Network News Anchor” was enlisted by New York agents in mid-1992 to obtain the name of a confidential source being used by fellow Fox journalists who were then preparing a story about Jimmy Hoffa’s murder for the syndicated tabloid show “A Current Affair,” records reveal.”

The Buick is back! No, really …

Image: 2012 Buick Verano

Buick not only survived, it’s now starting to thrive. For the first two months of the year, the nameplate, which is being positioned as a mid-luxury brand, outsold Lexus, a vehicle brand that has long been dominant in the U.S. luxury market.”  Story here

I bought a 1956 Buick hard top off my Dad in 1968 (Photo left – not mine, but one like it) when I was a senior in high school.(hail Azusa High!) Back then gas was .19 a gallon! Can you imagine? My buddies and I all would kick in a dollar and we’d fill ‘er up and go adventuring. Aaaaaaahhh…those were the days my friend…we thought they’d never end.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

As the sun slowly settled into the West the clouds glowed bravely


This photo was taken by Carl Young of Fortuna from his front porch. Thanks Carl …

Monster calls suit over mouse in can a 'shakedown'

If I drank this crap, which I don’t, I’d be resting easy now. The drink maker says it was impossible for a rodent to enter the manufacturing process to get in the can. They think the guy left the can open for a long period of time...

Probably right after this photo was taken…

 Story here.

photo source

Top 10 US Corporate Tax Avoiders Named on Senate Floor

Top 10 US Corporate Tax Avoiders Named on Senate Floor

While you’re making out your taxes due April 15th, corporate America is laughing all the way to the bank!

Despite the Supreme Court 's finding that corporations are basically people in the eyes of the law, corporations themselves cannot be moral or immoral -- they are entities, not sentient beings. We have a system that rewards the gamers, where winners take all, and influence peddling is rife; where the defense for a highly profitable company not paying taxes is that it is within the law.

“Despite complaints about the U.S.'s burdensome 35% corporate tax rate, two-thirds of American corporations pay no taxes in a given year. In a speech last week on the Senate floor, Senator Bernie Sanders (pictured here) (I) of Vermont called out the top 10 corporate tax avoiders:

Among those actually getting money back from the Feds:

  • ExxonMobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009, paid no federal income taxes, received a $156 million rebate
  • Bank of America received a $1.9 billion IRS refund despite $4.4 billion of profits
  • General Electric had $26 billion in profits, and $4.1 billion refund (GE made it onto another top 10 list of top corporate lobbyists in 2010, spending $39 million)
  • Chevron nabbed a $19 million refund after making $10 billion in profits
Wall Street made the list as well; the Senator's office notes,"Goldman Sachs in 2008 only paid 1.1 percent of its income in taxes even though it earned a profit of $2.3 billion and received an almost $800 billion from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department." Full Story.

The cow jumped over the...

Now here’s a real cowgirl!

I never heard of riding cows before, but that just shows you how little I know. Apparently there was a time when it was common to ride cows in Europe!

“When Regina Mayer's parents dashed her hopes of getting a horse, the resourceful 15-year-old didn't sit in her room and sulk. Instead, she turned to a cow called Luna to make her riding dreams come true.”  Story Here

Monday, April 4, 2011

Now you too can be an expert on radiation exposure…with this

Radiation Dosage Chart - Information Is Beautiful

H&P Industries Inc: Wipe-maker shuts doors after U.S. Marshals arrive

For months now, FDA officials have been aware H & P Industries has had a problem with contaminated Povidone Iodine Prep Pads, but just fooled around playing politics instead of instantly taking them off the market.

How does this kind of thing happen? Can you say Lobbyists? Bribe, bribe, and more bribe.They’ve probably been aware for a long time, but it’s become so public lately they had to perform a “dog and pony show” and send in some U.S. Marshals in a dramatic attempt to sooth the public outrage. Only in America…

“A Wisconsin firm accused of making contaminated medical pads and wipes is closed after U.S. Marshals on Monday arrived at H&P Industries Inc. with orders to seize products.”  Story here  image source

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...