Wednesday, November 26, 2008

As Mortgages Went Bad - Executives Cashed Out!

While Irving subprime leader New Century was failing, key executives continually changed their stock trading plans and often sold within days of colleagues' trades, a LA TIMES investigation shows.

It's just further proof of how complicit these executives were in the eventual downfall of the stock market and resulting chaos. Tax payers continue to pay to bail out scoundrels like this.

To read the whole story CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

OPTICAL ILLUSIONS: How many faces can you find?



Meditation on a single red rose...

Outside, on my redwood porch, two Jasmine bushes have taken over the entryway intoxicating family and visitors alike. The heady perfume always there. But it's a single red rose this November day that leaves me standing there. Wonder and a sense of hope seem everywhere.

The rose doesn't know it's time should have come and gone. It does not sense - in alarm - anything wrong. The time for the other twisted vines are in accordance with the season. Bare. Just a few stubborn leaves, but no other roses. Somehow, this rose has picked this late date to bloom and to share it's glory. Against all odds.

I admire it, surprised at how healthy it is. Rich blood red pedals still snug and unfolding. It stands out - in the green garden in front of my porch - and calls out to all "Come see me! I'm still here in the fall!"

Hate Laws Should be Amended To Protect Veterans

                                                         By Dave Stancliff
        Students nervously milled around outside the classroom.
        Some were in shock, as police and other emergency personnel hurried into the building.

        It was 1977, and I was a journalism student at Fullerton Community College. A student in that classroom shot himself in front of a horrified English class. Later, I found out that he was a Vietnam veteran, just like me. I didn’t know him, which was kinda odd, as there weren’t many other Vietnam veterans on campus that year. I never found out why he did that, but I had my suspicions. Being a Vietnam veteran in 1977 meant that most civilians didn’t trust you. I can recall applying for jobs and not putting down I was a veteran on the application because of earlier experiences where it was evident I was being discriminated against.
      There were very few veteran programs at most colleges back then. Those veterans who did try going back to school faced hostile student bodies. We didn’t have people advocating for us. I never did get use to being called names, but realized that I was such a minority at school that no one would back me if I argued with those cretins who seemed out to “make their bones” by harassing a Vietnam veteran.
       What veterans like myself faced was nothing short of “hate speech.” Because we weren’t organized then we either suffered the indignities quietly, or got kicked off campus for “causing trouble.” I saw a couple of Vietnam veterans pushed to the brink and what happened after they struck back verbally and physically.
            A year later, after getting my AA in Journalism, I was attending HSU which offered a new program called, Veterans Upward Bound, that helped student veterans with their transition to civilian life. I became the editor of a publication called “The Veterans Gazette,” and spent a lot of time talking to student veterans.
         The contempt for veterans at HSU wasn’t as overt as down south, but it was still there. As a group, we would talk about it and share our daily campus experiences. Since those days, there has been a lot of improvement on how veterans are treated at colleges. I like to point out that HSU has a Student Veterans Association and a great new program called, Veterans Enrollment and Transition Services (Y.E.S).
         However, I would also like to point out that veterans still have to deal with “hate speech” on college campuses today. That includes HSU. Anyone who read student veteran Jennifer Fusaro’s article on Nov. 5th in The Lumberjack (the student newspaper) knows that’s true. Sadly, some things haven’t changed.
       What veterans suffer is no different than when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership in a certain social group, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, or political affiliation.
        Historically, veterans going back to college weren’t treated badly by other students. That dynamic changed when we entered Vietnam and college campuses became breeding grounds for dissidents and organized protests against that unpopular war.
         Today’s military is an all-volunteer force and you don’t see colleges making news with big protests against the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. So why do veteran students still get harassed? That’s a tough question to answer. From my experiences, it appears people tend to associate the veteran with the administration.
         Instead of looking at the veteran as someone who was doing their job, detractors de-humanize individuals and see them as symbols of a government they don’t believe in, thus fair game to pick on. This is patently unfair, and a stupid assumption to make.
         There’s a lot of reasons why people go into the military today. In this failing economy joining the military means employment. There are those who go in because they believe in the war, or are just seeking adventures, but no one has the right to hold that against them.
         The times are changing and this country is making progress towards respecting other people’s rights. Our new Commander in Chief is part African-American and Caucasian.
         In this spirit of change, there’s at least one state lawmaker, Utah Republican Rep. Eric Hutchings, who says he’s going to sponsor a hate crime bill that would extend group protection to uniformed service members, according to an Associated Press report on Nov.16th.
         I would like to see Senator Mike Thompson sponsor a similar bill here in California and not just limit it to uniformed service members, but to all those veterans who are out of the service and in the civilian population.        
          As It Stands, going back to school is a hard enough transition for veterans to adapt to without having to deal with prejudicial pinheads!

Global financial crisis: Russians cut back on Vodka!

You know things are getting serious when the Russians cut back on their prodigious Vodka drinking habits.

Warehouses are starting to fill up with unsold Vodka, as the Russian public tightens their belts.

Pavel Shapkin, president of the National Alcohol Association told Rueters that "people are having to save money, including on drinks, and this is connected to the impact of the financial crisis on people's disposable incomes."

Bathtub Vodka is starting to show up. The last time that happened bootleggers poisoned people with their low-grade market brew which caused widespread liver failure, jaundice, and toxic hepatitis.

A half-liter bottle of Vodka goes for about $1.80 a bottle in Russia. 

Monday, November 24, 2008

FAIR WARNING!: Non-Bloggers Fear Us Because...

Pitbull vs Porcupine: it's apparent who lost this little encounter!

Miraculously, this female pitbull wasn't blinded or didn't suffer any permanent damages. She apparently wanted to play with a porcupine who didn't want to play, and in fact, felt quite threatened. The owner reported that it was a long and painful procedure pulling the quills out at the vets. The Queen of Quills, as her owner has dubbed her, is on antibiotics and pain meds and reportedly recovering just fine. I'll bet that given the chance...she'd do it all again!

Priestess with a Golden Eye is discovered in Sistan Desert in Iran

Note that there's two tiny holes in the gilded eyeball (inset). They were there to run a thin piece of silk through, which allowed the wearer to tie the eye on.

The 5000 year-old woman was six-feet tall and must have been imposing with her gilded eye and above normal height.

Archaeologists say the woman was a soothsayer or priestess. She was somewhere between 25 and 30 years-old when she died.

She was also buried with a bronze mirror so she could check her startling appearance. The eye wasn't made to mimic a real eye.

Instead, it was glittery and probably appeared mysterious to her followers. Perhaps even supernatural.

What an interesting story if they could find ancient records that told about her life. I could even see a movie being made about it.

Now who could star in the part? Hmmmmm.....

Here's one good reason I don't kayak along the north coast...

Another $20 million of tax-payer money pumped into Citigroup

Here we go again. More rewards for business with a lousy management team and greedy CEO. Regulators hope that plowing the cash into their coffers will avoid a worse global crisis than the one in the 1930s. Right now, every big corporate business in the country is running to the trough at Washington DC begging for a bailout. The Big Three automakers have been pleading their case recently, but were told to come up with a business plan. Well, imagine that.

A business plan. The same clowns who ran their companies into the ground now have the gall to ask for money. And the damn government is giving it to them. That's crap! Let them go bankrupt and re-do the way they do business. They won't learn their lesson if Uncle Sugar bails them out.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

RETI Gambit - Opening Theory & a fun way to fight the French Defense!

MOVE 4 - CASTLE Queen side

I use to belong to a chess club in Eureka many years ago and I do enjoy the game. I'm proud to say I taught one of my nephews to play chess and he's now a Grand Master! In other words, he can kick my butt now! We haven't played since he moved to Colorado eons ago.

Sometimes I pull out a book on chess moves and read about different games from one of my favorite all time players - Bobby Fischer. As a person he was a complete asshole...but his game was other worldly! I like going through the games he played against Boris Spassky, the Soviet Union Grand Master, and world champ at the time. Fischer went to Reykjavik, Iceland in 1972, at the height of the Cold War, and beat Spassky to become the one (and still only) American World Chess Champion.



Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...