Thursday, April 27, 2023

What Would Happen if Trump Suddenly Died?

Trump is no spring chicken.

He's 76-years old, overweight, and doesn't do any form of exercise.

That isn't accounting for the medical conditions he wouldn't share.

His golf game eliminates exercise, especially since he rides his little cart right up to the tee. So...

What would happen if Trump suddenly died of a heart attack?

1. Would all the criminal investigations on him come to a screeching halt? 

2. Would the Republican Party finally grow a spine and go back to being just conservatives and not extremists and cult members?

3. What would happen with the loyal lawmakers and activists who are still MAGA morons? Would they go back to their caves, basements, and other hidey holes?

Post Trump:

The temperature in this country would cool off considerably without the master grifter. Imagine not having Trump's hateful rhetoric blasted on media platforms every day. The nation would collectively exhale.

Russia, China, Iran and North Korea's disinformation outlets would lose their MAGA enablers in the United States.

The war against the LGBTQ community would lose its leader if Trump were out of the picture.

American allies would take a deep breath of relief knowing we're not going to turn into a fascist regime.

Dictators and authoritarians worldwide would declare his passing a dark day.

Conspiracies would be reduced without Trump's constant lies, rants, and grievances. The alternative realities Trump so carefully nurtured would fade away without his toxic input.

America would be free from the biggest threat ever against democracy.

As it Stands, I wouldn't be surprised if there was no state funeral and instead it was declared a national holiday.


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Maddy said...

Great post! It's amazing how weight loss commercials have become so prevalent in our society. While some of them can be helpful in promoting healthy habits and encouraging exercise, others can be misleading and promote dangerous fad diets or quick-fix solutions.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...