Monday, March 21, 2011

White supremacist threat overshadowed by Muslim paranoia perpetrated by chairman of Homeland Security committee

White supremacist threat overshadowed by Muslim fears

Rep. Peter King has chosen to be the America’s leading crusader against American Muslims. He claims not to be on a witch hunt, but his actions speak otherwise.

Right now he’s playing chief inquisitor of national profiling, and is throwing out mistruths about Muslims to make his feeble points. When you read below you’ll see what I mean.

Like the article points out, White Supremacists have been around for a lot longer than the Muslims in this country. Look at our history. Whose done the most damage? The answer is far and away – White Supremacists. (Please note that those who did the 911 bombing weren’t American Muslims) White Supremacists don’t even rate a glance in King’s book of terrorist profiling. It’s obvious he’s hoping to play on enough baseless fears against Muslims to make life miserable for them in the land of the free! Pathetic…look at his picture above. Can you say “Zealot?”


The way they both happened together, at what felt like the same moment, seems like something out of a script: On March 9, Kevin William Harpham was arrested in the town of Addy, Wash., suspected of the attempted Jan. 17 bombing of a Martin Luther King unity rally in Spokane, 55 miles south of Addy. Harpham, a known white supremacist with past and possibly current ties to the neo-Nazi National Alliance, was charged by federal agents of building a "weapon of mass destruction" -- the bomb found in his backpack -- and planting it on the rally route hours before it started.

The next day, Rep. Peter King, the new chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, convened the first of his congressional hearings on the radicalization of Muslim Americans and the potential for domestic terrorism. In his opening statement, King stated that "not one terror-related case in the United States in the last two years involved neo-Nazis."

That disconnect between fact and assertion highlights a more troubling one: the congressman's high-profile attention to one form of American terrorism at the expense of exposing the dangers in another.”


“In a December 2010 op-ed in Newsday, King wrote that "Federal and local law enforcement officials throughout the country told me they received little or -- in most cases -- no cooperation from Muslim leaders and imams."

Yet when time came to walk the walk with that broad assertion last week, King couldn't produce a single member of law enforcement who would testify as to the validity of that claim.

Nowhere, it seems, is there room for a hearing that airs concerns about radicalization of Americans into the neo-Nazi, nativist, anti-government and white supremacist movements that have been more insidious and invisible in the national landscape, and for a lot longer than any Islamic threat.”

Read the whole article here

1 comment:

Tom Sebourn said...

Who put a lunatic in charge of Homeland Security?

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...