Friday, December 31, 2010

As It Stands wishes it’s readers a Happy New Year!

Here we are. The last day of 2010 is fading away with every hour. Some people feel the urge to make new year resolutions that are usually broken before January ends.

Not me. I gave that practice up a long time ago. It was basically a recipe for failure.

I want to thank all of my readers for stopping by here and visiting my cyber home. You’re the reason I enjoy blogging. It gives me an opportunity to communicate with you and to share ideas and opinions.

As a Vietnam veteran with PTSD, I have little desire to go out in public. Crowds bother me. Being too close to people in public makes me nervous. I’m always watching my back. This blog has given me a viable alternative to communicating. It allows me to feel safe, yet to reach out to others and share my thoughts. Having access to the web, the biggest library in the world, has helped me expand my horizons and to do research that once took a lot of footwork and one-on-one meetings. I’m very thankful for this opportunity to be in touch with the world, without feeling any stress. I hope you keep coming back…

Here’s my message to you for 2011: Take each day like it’s your last, and don’t sweat the small stuff! 



Carl Hand-up said...

Yes live living in a bunker is interesting. One day at a time seems to be stand operating procedures for most veterans with PTSD.

Have a good day, may you have many more,

Class of 72

Carl Hand-up said...

Please remove my previous post

Yes life living in a bunker is interesting. One day at a time seems to be standard operating procedures for most veterans with PTSD.

Have a good day, may you have many more,

Class of 72

Tom Sebourn said...

Thanks for churning through the internet to find this stuff. Most of us don't have the time and it's nice to have some of the best that is out there at one convenient site.
Happy New Year!

Ali said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...

Wishing you a year fully loaded with happiness. This is a great post. Your sharing with us is greatly appreciated. Now it's time to avail bus tours Washington dc for more information.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...