Thursday, January 14, 2010

Who reads this blog anyway?

From time to time I like to share tidbits about who’s reading this blog. Here’s yesterday’ stats: 496 viewers total

The breakdown according to my Stat Counter:
335 - 67.00% United States United States, 51 -10.20% United Kingdom United Kingdom, 33 - 6.60% Canada Canada, 10 - 2.00% India India, 10- 2.00%, Philippines Philippines, 5 - 1.00% Russia, 5 - 1.00% Australia Australia, 4 - 0.80% Netherlands Netherlands, 4 - 0.80%, New Zealand New Zealand, 3 - 0.60% Serbia Serbia, 3 - 0.60% Czech Republic Czech Republic 3 - 0.60% Singapore Singapore, 2 - 0.40% France, France, 2 - 0.40% Indonesia Indonesia 2 - 0.40% Trinidad And Tobago Trinidad And Tobago, 2 - 0.40% South Africa South Africa, 2 - .40% Portugal Portugal, 2 - 0.40% Germany Germany, 2 - .40% Latvia Latvia, 2 - 0.40% Belgium Belgium, 1 - 0.20% Italy Italy, 1 - 0.20% Thailand Thailand, 1 - 0.20% Botswana Botswana,1- 0.20% Norway Norway, 1 - 0.20% Poland Poland, 1- .20% Mauritius Mauritius, 1 - 0.20% Mexico, Mexico, 1 - 0.20% Mongolia Mongolia, 1 - 0.20% Turks And Caicos Islands Turks And Caicos Islands, 1 - 0.20% Sweden Sweden, 1 - 0.20% Denmark Denmark, 1 - .20% Finland Finland, 1 - 0.20% Malta Malta, 1 - 0.20% Cambodia Cambodia, 1 - 0.20% Colombia Colombia, 1 - 0.20% Albania Albania, 1 - 0.20% Malaysia Malaysia, 1 - 0.20% PakistanPakistan

This is a pretty typical day as I average about 500 viewers daily. The stats show 78 colleges, high schools, and education related readers.

As indicated above, the majority of my international visitors come from the The United Kingdom. My family comes from the Yorkshire area so this is no big surprise. I’m an 11th generation Stancliff here in the USA.

The majority of my viewers are from the USA (335 or 67%). To break that down further;126 are from California, and the rest from throughout the nation.

The bottom line is, I appreciate everyone who stops by to check out my blog. If you’re not a “Follower” (see information on the left of this page) why not sign up now? As for my regular viewers (those that come at least once a day – currently at 67), I thank you and I will continue to try to provide a balance in my posts. Humor, optical illusions, editorials, news, editorial cartoons, weird news, and even some local (as in Humboldt) items, are served up for your inspection.

AS IT STANDS – Don’t be afraid to make comments on the posts here. I enjoy them, as do other readers. I don’t moderate posts, so I expect that they will be “kept clean” by the posters. So what do you say? 




Ernie Branscomb said...

Your blog and your posts tend to be educational rather that conversational. So I don't often comment, but I do find your blog to be very interesting. Just thought that I would say so...

Randy Weaver said...

Ditto to Ernie. You just not as caustic as Heraldo, so you attract less attention from the wingnut commentary crowd. This is actually a good thing!

ImBlogCrazy said...

Thanks Ernie and Randy!

I appreciate you guys reading my blog and making comments.

You're right about my posts - they do tend to be more entertaining and educational - not everyone's cup of tea here in Humboldt County.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...