Monday, September 14, 2009

Don’t bring up gun control if you don’t want to face the wrath of extremists!

 My column “Let’s face it, no one will take the high road” received a lot of attention yesterday. Most of it negative, and coming from over a dozen blogs featuring NRA poster children. The Times-Standard Forum is full of examples. Comments under yesterday’s blog, which carried the column, are some more examples.

Despite the fact that I said I didn’t want to take away everyone’s guns, the idea that I dared to suggest there should be more safeguards against assault weapons awakened the wrath of extremists.

Talk about irony. I was talking with a friend in Fortuna today and he told me that he sold his shotgun. He explained that he knew a guy that would sell it for him, and it took him less than 24 hours to get $350 for it. Did anyone pay taxes or get their fingerprints taken during this transaction? No. Now, how often do you think that happens nationwide? It starts to get scary when you reflect upon it.

Related subject - Click here to read:

“Ban Assault Weapons”

Meanwhile, would you like your very own assault/automatic weapon? No problem! Just go here and they’ll be glad to take care of you.

I found another web site that I highly recommend the NRA crowd go to. Maybe it’ll bring them down to earth. Try it, click here and read on.


Tom Holloway said...

Excuse me while I s--- a brick!

Anonymous said...

"I was talking with a friend in Fortuna today and he told me that he sold his shotgun. He explained that he knew a guy that would sell it for him, and it took him less than 24 hours to get $350 for it. Did anyone pay taxes or get their fingerprints taken during this transaction? No."

I hope that shotgun was over 50yrs old - if not, either your friend is now in some trouble, or that gun went through a dealer. If it went through a dealer, all the normal checks took place. Once again, you're ranting about something that's already illegal in your state.

I won't even address the absurd ideological belief that the gov should be involved in every private transaction.

ImBlogCrazy said...

That's a relief!

Hey Anonymous, did you check out the links provided?

Got a hunch you'll find them interesting.

DParker said...

You are, of course, lying just as much here as you were in both your article and your comments in defense of it at the Times. The negative comments you received were overwhelming NOT in regard to the idea that you might want to take away anyone's guns. It was with regard to the numerous factual inaccuracies and blatant ignorance contained in your opinion.

It's a pity that you continue to place absolutely no value at all on anything even remotely resembling integrity.

Anonymous said...

I've got a link that you might find enlightening.
"Why Liberals Should Love The Second Amendment"

Somebody has to say it and
Angry Mouse says it better than anyone.

ImBlogCrazy said...

Well gee folks! Isn't this fun? Are you two joining my fan club?

Your both so afraid that someone's going to take your guns away that you discount anything that doesn't fit in with your warped ways of looking at things.

You like to pick over details when the big picture is right before you. I said the NRA owns America's politicians and no meaningful legislation against guns will ever be enacted because of that. Is that clear enough?

But no, you want to babble about what percentage of illegal assault rifles are getting through to the Mexican cartels. Typical conservative tactics of dancing around the big picture and keeping up the attack with minutia from the wings (the far- right ones).

The only thing you're proving to me Mr. Parker, is that your entertaining yourself with stalking me.

Haven't you got something better to do?

ImBlogCrazy said...

And Anonymous...brave soul that you are ... hiding in a rat hole and telling me an Angry Mouse speaks for you just isn't going to pass the mental test.

Whatch out for those guys in white coats okay? (I think their after your gun!)

Anonymous said...

A shotgun is not considered an assault weapon. Your article was criticized for spreading known factual inaccuracies, and your assertions were easily debunked from multiple sources.

You spent much of your time attacking the posters rather than considering and rebutting the information they gave.

You have still yet to learn that you simply drew this attention not because of your opinion, but because of the inaccurate information you used to support your opinion. Now you are whining that you received negative attention from extremists... as many guns as there are in the US, it is hard to believe that people who correct an inaccuracy (recently used by Holder and Clinton to push a new ban) are extremists. Take the example of your friend... you say he engaged in a normal activity of selling a shotgun and it concerns you. Perhaps you are the extremist... you certainly refuse to understand information clearly and simply presented to you.

Calling other people names just because they have information that conflicts with your beliefs is frankly kindergarten behavior, and I have every bit of faith that you can be far more mature than that.

The very point of your previous article, that gun sales and ammunition sales have gone up tremendously again point to the probability that the people buying guns, who fear their eventual restriction, are part of a very large group of people. Calling those who explain their actions "extremists" is rather a way to avoid talking about the forest by talking only of the trees at the edge.

Please demonstrate the maturity that you actually have, and do not continue this kindergarten ploy. If you wish to criticize the posters yesterday, post the facts they gave you, and post information that specifically disputes those posts.

DParker said...

I see you have no defense regarding your continued lying. Of course, you couldn't. All you have is more of the same adolescent clap-trap.

I haven't discounted anything. I've simply corrected your disinformation.

No "babbling" about what % of "illegal assault rifles" are going to the Mexican drug cartels from the U.S. It's essentially 0%. Now I fully expect you to demonstrate that, in addition to all of your other ignorance, you have no idea what an "illegal assault rifle" is. Of course, none of this is "minutae". If it were you wouldn't feel the need to repeatedly lie about all of it.

And while I do have plenty of things to do (and am doing them), I consider publically exposing B.S. like yours to be time well spent.

ImBlogCrazy said...

If it isn't Heckle & Jeckle!

I thought you birs flew away to play with your guns or something.

I can see now that neither of you have a life.

Kindergarten games Anonymous? What do you mean? Like someone hiding behind a curtain and pretending they're just a normal guy that loves his guns so much he just has to tell the world?
Why don't you write the following on a chalk board: "I will not tell people what to do"
When your done you can go home or find someone else to latch onto.

And Mr. Parker.No you don't discount long as it fits your needs.I'll tell you what, you just sit there at that computer and pound away...
Knock yourself out pal, I'm done wasting time with you.

DParker said...

My wife, who is a special education teacher, has students who are more intellectually and emotionally developed than you. They're generally much more honest as well.

Anonymous said...

That's it? You tell me the white coats are coming to take me away ?
I expected more. I was responding to a linked opinion piece. I thought she (Angry Mouse) gave a very good argument. Did you go over to Daily Kos and read it ?

The million extra guns and billions of rounds of ammunition weren't bought by gun nuts. They already had theirs. The sales rush is new gunowners getting some while they think they can. Probably a lot of "Liberals" too. I doubt they'll be inclined to give away their new $3000 investment because you think they should.
The sales rush is over now. Everyone that wanted one , has one.

Do you claim an NRA rumor sent out a million + people to buy new firearms and stockpile ammo ? No. They dont have that kind of power. Years of gun control hyperbole did it.

I'll let you in on a little news. The claim that Mexican Cartels were buying machine guns and grenades at Wal Mart has been thoroughly debunked already. And the Southern Poverty Law Center 's "report" on the new rise of Neo Nazis is a fundraising letter .But I think you knew that already.


Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, would you like your very own assault/automatic weapon? No problem! Just go here and they’ll be glad to take care of you."

Wow, that site has evil automatic weapons for sale, I think I just soiled my panties.

No not really. You can't just walk into a store, hand over a stack of franklins and walk out with one of those (despite what you want your readers to think).

Ownership of automatic weapons has been regulated by Federal law since 1934. To get one of those from a gun dealer you need to wait about 6 months, get the signature of your police chief, and pass a very strict ATF background check.

Only law abiding citizens legally own automatic weapons in the United States.

P.S. Many of the automatic weapons on that page were manufactured after 1986 so they can only be bought by law enforcement not regular citizens.

Anonymous said...

Dave, I suggest that you continue your investigation by contacting and asking what it would take for you to buy a machine gun of your choice and have it shipped to you in California. It should be quite an enlightening experience for you.

In all seriousness, what I find most disturbing about this entire situation is your complete unwillingness to acknowledge factual errors after they have been pointed out repeatedly, using unimpeachable sources as proof.

Anonymous said... underwhelming.

People point out how inaccurate your piece was and the best you can do is call them names and link to a web site with no context or explanation with the express purpose of misleading people about the availability and ease with which NFA firearms can be purchased.

You lie, then when people call you out on it, you cry.

Sounds like kindergarten tactics to me.

Anonymous said...

I am a normal guy, and I do like guns, and I don't hide behind any curtains, people who know me in my normal life know about my guns.

Write on the chalkboard? Are you on a playground trying to look cooler than other kids, or are you trying to be a journalist? The comment about the chalkboard sounds like the former.

Honestly, any periodical should be embarrassed to have you, you have responded to documented facts that contradict your published story with insults, refusals to accept information, and general naked hatred for anyone who is defensive of gun ownership, in a country where legal gun ownership is extremely high. And you call these people extremists? If you insist on being ignorant AND posting assertions based on your ignorance, and you insist on countering fact with insults and unsupported assertions (usually about those that argue with you), then you will likely continue to receive admonishments and criticisms, and carry them with you wherever you go... not from me, but undoubtedly from someone.

ImBlogCrazy said...

There were no lies in my column. Period.

My sources have been challenged -and supposedly refuted by right-wing propaganda.
Everyone seems to have a different opinion about the 2009 Homeland Security report I sited.

If I was guilty of anything it was "semantics." Calling some weapons automatic (instead of assault) rifles.

It was a detail that some claimed was a lie. If I hadn't made that slip-half of what people are protesting would disappear.

Those who are busy insulting me are almost all pro-gun advocates (just me and my gun and bible), with their own agenda. I understand and expected that.

The majority of my critics so far have used right-wing sources to discredit what I said. For example, How about a racist Pastor (Chuck Baldwin), or FOX news? Both less-than reputable sources sited by gun lovers as the last word.

None of this surprises me.

DParker said...

- "There were no lies in my column. Period."

The claim that 90% of Mexican drug cartel guns come from the U.S. is a lie, and has been proven so via no less than BATFE sources.

- "My sources have been challenged -and supposedly refuted by right-wing propaganda."

A lie by omission. Your sources - and the assertions based on them - have also been challenged and refuted with cites of BATFE testimony, congressional reports, etc.

- "Everyone seems to have a different opinion about the 2009 Homeland Security report I sited."

You'd think a former editor/publisher would be able to spell at a post-third grade level, wouldn't you? No matter. There were not differing "opinions" about the report in question. Some simply pointed out your flawed representation of it.

- "If I was guilty of anything it was "semantics." Calling some weapons automatic (instead of assault) rifles."

You really are as dumb as a bag of hammers, aren't you? How many times does it need to be explained to you that an "assault rifle" is, by definition, also an "automatic" capable firearm? A military M-16 is an "assault rifle", and is therefor also an "automatic" rifle (with the ability to select for semi-automatic mode as well). An AR-15, which *looks* like an M-16, is a semi-automatic only firearm, and is therefor NOT an "assault rifle".

- "It was a detail that some claimed was a lie. If I hadn't made that slip-half of what people are protesting would disappear."

What it was, was a display of amazing topical ignorance. It also wasn't even close to representing "half" of what people were protesting about your opinion piece. Yet another lie.

ImBlogCrazy said...

You really are obsessed Parker!

Why don't you go to the T-S comment section and read what I posted today. I don't feel like repeating it here for you.

Expressing your opinion is one thing, but IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU RIGHT okay?
You are so agenda-driven that you probably didn't get a wink of sleep waiting to stalk me again today.

This is just plain getting weird Parker...would you mind not stalking me now?
You sure lied when you said you had better things to do - here it is two days later and your still attacking me with your stupid, nasty, agenda-driven accusations.

Have a problem moving on? Better see a psych...

Tom Holloway said...

Careful Dave,
There's a lpt of loon poo flying out there!

DParker said...

- "Why don't you go to the T-S comment section and read what I posted today. I don't feel like repeating it here for you."

I did. It does not refute anything I've said here. All you did was regurgitate the same ignorance you've been displaying all along, and illustrate your inability to understand anything that's been explained to you ad nauseum.

- "Expressing your opinion is one thing, but IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU RIGHT okay?"

I've not expressed "opinion" on this issue. I've pointed to documented fact. Learn the difference.

- "You are so agenda-driven..."

Now we can add "hypocrite" to your list of character traits.

- "that you probably didn't get a wink of sleep waiting to stalk me again today."

Only a complete moron would refer to comments on a published blog...on which you yourself created an entry on this stalking. Your cowardly diversionary tactics fool no one. Well, except probably yourself.

- "This is just plain getting weird Parker...would you mind not stalking me now?"

Would you mind growing up? Though I concede there's not a snowball's chance in hell of that ever happening given that you haven't done so by your age already.

- "You sure lied when you said you had better things to do - here it is two days later and your still attacking me with your stupid, nasty, agenda-driven accusations."

You accusing anyone of stupidity is the definition of a "Kettle, meet Pot" moment.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...