Monday, June 15, 2009

Joe Blow (conspiracy) Report staff bawl like babies!

Well readers, this is what I have to contend with sometimes. Extremists tend to attack anything that doesn't fit their world view. There's a group at the Joe Blow Report blog that decided to attack me on May 31st and who posted a hate-filled rant about a column I did on trolls (of all the ironies!) This is a group that has the mind-set of a steel trap.

Now they have their crying towels (it took them two weeks to think of a reply) out and are blubbering to all that will read their raving. I'm not going to be intimidated by a bunch of cowards who are whining about a conspiracy between me and the Times-Standard to attack trolls! Good grief! Get a life you blowhards.

I don't know who you think you are, but I do know that you seek to impose your will upon others by reading your past posts. Now you think you can silence me by making outrageous accusations and trying to get the newspaper to drop my column. Guess again gang. You'll never be able to silence me. You best bet is to change your soiled diapers and to find someone else to pick on!

image via Google Images


Anonymous said...

Go for it Dave, kick more sand in their'll feel better in the morning. I heard some rumor that these trolls work for the City of Eureka, and they are using our "tax Payeer paid" ISP services to publish their crap.

So much for cutting back on the fat in certian city governments.

ImBlogCrazy said...

There's more to the rumor than you think!

I checked my stat counter - which shows IP addresses and there were numerous visits from The City of Eureka since the day they posted that attack against my Troll column.

They checked in again Monday when I posted a reply to their insanity.
Whoever they are, they're not oo bright!

Rose said...

This kind of thing demeans both of you - I'd advise dropping it and moving on. You both have better things to do.

Rise above. Both of you.

Rose said...

Damn! Moderation - honestly, open it up!

ImBlogCrazy said...

You're right Rose.

I'm not going to dignify this latest attack from the Joe Blow Report with a response.

I made that mistake the first time and get lured into their attack game by trying to respond to them.
What a waste of time.

Rose said...

Just make your points quietly and clearly (Desiderate), and keep moving forward.

I have to say that Kimberly's response is exactly what I would do if I were her - "These issues have nothing to do with the Times-Standard newspaper. This is an issue between you and Mr. Stancliff and your respective blogs. He is not a Times-Standard employee nor do his views neccesarily reflect the views of this newspaper."

In this instance that is exactly correct, even if upsetting - but, perhaps a (anonymous) blogger would be allowed a response "My Word." Worth asking.

Both you and "Joe" have good points - the use of the "troll" definition is overused and is used as a means to avoid real discussion and dissenting views AND real trolls do exist and are a problem on the internet.

I do have to laugh, though, it is always the lefty blogs who employ "moderation." Sorry.

Anonymous said...


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Memo to "joeblow" :

If youre going to use "confirmed child porn promoters" (wingtv) as an example to bann someone from posting comments
you may want to change your "HANDLE" , Joeblow

NYsentinel | 1 min ago
Re: Rudkowski uses We Are Change Donations to Pay For College
by joeblow » Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:53 pm
NYsentinel wrote:
Im going to make one last post and that will be all

Im doing this for the Wallace Family and for FDNY Lt Robert Wallace E205(KIA 911RIP)
When I began my association with the FDNY back in (91-92) the first company who sponsored
me was (Tiller Ladder 118-Lt "Panama) across the floor from Engine 205.

This is for "The House"

Paul Isaac Jr (NYsentinel) 

You have a history of being a disruptive Agent, second Warning issued.

*** The Joe Blow Conspiracy Show - Gossip, Opinions, History, News
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*** The Umunu Conspiracy! 

*** Download/listen to the shows at the following locations:

[*Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003*]
Local author makes publishing accessible to all writers

By Roger Mahon*
Collegian Staff Writer
Local author Victor Thorn is no stranger to rejection from the rough publishing world. Throughout his writing career, he has received tons of rejection letters from large publishing houses, which, he says, have been reluctant to publish some of his characteristically edgy material.

Just recently, Thorn edited and compiled what he feels was the strongest material from Babel's first year. The result is Rebellious Confessions (published by Black Sheep Books), a book which deals with such taboo subjects as masturbation, misogyny, fetishes and fellatio.

Thorn's short story, "The Blow-up Doll", for instance, tells the story of a young boy's first wet dream. In another story that appears in the book, "Latex Dreams," by Stellar, a young woman graphically recounts her first abortion. "Skeletons," a short story by Jeremy Fleming, relates the tale of a young man turned on by the sound of coughing.

Thorn and Guliani are happy to get these works into print.

"It gives it more of a legitimacy," Thorn said.

Thorn said he plans to edit and publish another compilation from Babel's second year. He and Guliani also plan to print the 100th issue of Babel Magazine in April.

"We'd like to see it become a print magazine," Thorn said, discussing their long-term goals.

For now, the two plan to continue publishing their weekly magazine online without the financial assistance of advertisers. Thorn said he and Guliani have turned away those who have wished to advertise on their site.

"We want to maintain control of the content," Guliani said.

Added Thorn: "We're keeping Babel the way it is."
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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...