Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obama Picks Porn Lawyer, David Ogden, for #2 at Justice!

CHICAGO, February 4, 2009 ( - President Obama has made a major mistake and put America's families at risk by selecting David Ogden to become Deputy Attorney General, says Fidelis, a pro-family organization.

"David Ogden is a hired gun from Playboy and ACLU. He can't run from his long record of opposing common sense laws protecting families, women, and children.  The United States Senate has a responsibility to the American people to insure that Mr. Ogden's full record is fully reviewed before any vote on his nomination" said Brian Burch, President of Fidelis.

"Ogden's record is nothing short of obscene. He has represented Playboy Enterprises in multiple cases, Penthouse Magazine, the ACLU, and the largest distributor of hard-core pornography videos.  He has opposed filters on library computers protecting children from Internet smut, and successfully defended the right of pornographers to produce material with underage children."

"David Ogden has collected checks from Playboy and Penthouse to fight any attempts to establish filters on federally-funded public libraries. Ogden even sued the federal government in an attempt to publish Braille versions of Playboy magazine - at taxpayer expense, of course," said Burch.

As a lawyer in private practice, Ogden has argued for an unlimited abortion license, gays in the military, and has urged courts to treat traditional definitions of marriage as a social prejudice.

"A vast majority of Americans support parental notification before a minor's abortion and protecting kids from Internet pornography in our libraries," continued Burch.  "Yet David Ogden has fought tooth and nail against these common sense laws protecting our children from harm. At a time when America's families are under increasing assault, Mr. Ogden is a dangerous choice for a position whose responsibilities include the enforcement of our nation's laws. "

See a full dossier on Ogden compiled by Fidelis here:
To express concern to Senators regarding the appointment visit:

AP Photo/Linda Spillers, File


Anonymous said...

I followed the link to the Fidelis iPaper and from the very first paragraph they appear to me to be a fringe right group that is part of the coalition that got us into the mess we're currently in. Anti-gay. Original intent. Parental notification. Why should we accept at face value the opinion of a group with such obvious religious bias?

ImBlogCrazy said...

I don't think we have to accept their opinion.
I posted this to show the challenges Ogden faces in confirmation.

By posting this it doesn't mean I agree with it. I just found it interesting.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if I misread your intent. I guess I assumed by your headline -- calling him "Porn Lawyer" -- that you agreed with the Fidelis assessment of his qualifications and appropriateness for the appointment.

So how do you feel about the appointment?

ImBlogCrazy said...

In my opinion it's another case of NeoCon smoke and mirrors. They just don't like Ogden.

How do I feel about the appointment?

I have no problems with it as long as it's not another case of someone who hasn't paid back taxes!

Obama's vetting team doesn't exactly have a glowing record thus far.
They need to start with real basic questions like "Are your taxes in order?" Then they can proceed to the next one, and so on...

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. What I can't decide is if this is happening because the vetting is bad or because the vetting is good.

Perhaps there are a bunch of well qualified Ds who are tax cheats (as is being spun in the media) or perhaps the vetting process is transparent with the new administration and we are (for once) getting to see that literally everyone who makes the big bucks -- Ds and Rs -- has gone off track on paying their fair share of taxes with our current complicated (and therefore loaded with grey area) system.

I don't want to give the impression that I'm making excuses for Daschle, etal. If they didn't pay, they didn't pay. It is hard to believe, though, that only high profile Ds have questionable tax paying issues.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...