Friday, January 2, 2009

More Meandering On Millie My Pug...

This is not my Millie. She's blog-shy (actually she thinks someone will dog-nab her!). This is a reasonable likeness of her, and I wanted to put some art in this post to get you to stop and read it. Talk about brazen eh?

We just got back from our daily walk, between soft showers that have been cleansing the land. We stopped to say hi! to the donkeys and miniature ponies who were also enjoying the outbreak of sunlight and frisking around. I know for sure what happened to a cluster of fake cranberries that disappeared yesterday. Poop patrol revealed funny white round pellets that I'm sure were once cranberry-colored.

For a small dog she sure sets a brutal pace. After a mile, I have to slow her down before I collapse! We've got an interesting little route that is uphill one way and down the other. I'm hoping to shed some of the pounds I put on during the holidays. We may have to add some more distance to our current route for awhile.

If you already have a pug then I don't have to tell you what a great friend they are. Thinking about getting a dog? Pug's have a lot of good qualities and are awful cute if you dress them up. Millie is not one for flash so I don't bother her with silly costumes, but I admit to making her wear a yellow and purple Laker collar in honor of my favorite basketball team.

Millie is my constant companion, but the minute my wife comes home she drops me like a bad date! She loves Shirley and makes sure to get a lot of snuggle time in with her. Peace is a snug pug!

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...