Friday, December 5, 2008

Blogger meandering and notes...

Hello fellow Bloggers and visitors this Friday!

Recently someone named "Michael" has been putting comments in my posts that are not really comments...he's posting a link to his blog which appears to be a scam to me!
I followed the link and realized it was some kind of
pyramid scheme. So I blocked his comments so that my readers don't get exposed to them. I wonder if any of you other bloggers have run across him?

Another situation has recently arisen and I have mixed feelings about it.
I got an email from a German Online casino that wanted to know what my advertising rates are.

First off, I don't have any advertising and there's never been any on my blog.
Why would they contact me? I doubt that my blog would have enough hits per day to do them any good. And, how did they find me? ( I suppose on the internet - but what made them think I'd be interested?)

Two days after getting this unusual email, I got another one from Belgium, wanting to know what my advertising rates are! Say what? I don't get it. So I checked out the link (to their business office) and they are an electronics firm!
Again, they wanted to know how much I charged for advertising? Why me?

In the past I've noted that a large percentage of my visitors have been foreign (I even listed the countries) and national. I have no idea why this is. I am puzzled that two different businesses have contacted me in the last two weeks with the same request.

At one time I considered advertising, but decided that I don't want any restraints upon what goes in my blog. If you run ads, there's often no-no's that goes with running them. I don't like that idea.
On the other hand, there's easy money to be made.

What do you think? Should I stick to my ad-free format? Should I "sell out" and start running ads?

I've noticed that when you Google "AS IT STANDS" my blog is the first listing among a list of about 900,000. Does this mean that it's got a ton of hit's? What is Google's format for deciding on what's listed first under any heading? I'm just full of questions today!

I want to thank you for reading these morning ramblings, and any input would sure be appreciated!



Tom Holloway said...

I realize what the problem is!!! "As It Stands" sounds very much like the much maligned nation of Katzenstand, and as we all know "azetstanz" is Katzenstand for "a large swartzenegger". And we all know how they are. If you don't know how they are then you should write and ask. I'm sure they would love to hear from you..after all, they have been asking.
Your friend,
Tom Swatzenegger

Kym said...

Just a note on the advertising, it never bothers me for a blog to have some as long as it isn't overwhelming. As long as it doesn't cramp what you write too much, I say Go for it!

Tom Holloway said...

What Kym said.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...