Friday, August 15, 2008

So it's finally friday...

After battling with computer gremlins this morning for two hours I'm glad to say I've overcame the creatures and am back online. The problem actually turned out to be a loose connection.

I want to remind everyone that HSU will be celebrating the new opening of the V.E.T.S program on Aug.28.

Here's a link for more information about the program.

I don't know about you but my week has flown by on the wings of my usual muse...writing. Working on columns, my blog, and new book, is making the days fly by. That doesn't even count my other daily activities that range from chief dishwasher to being the manager of four Fantasy Baseball teams.

This sure has been a wild week internationally with the Olympics and the invasion of Georgia. If you believe in God then pray for those poor civilians who are getting caught in the crossfire of this terrible invasion. Russia is once again the Bear That Roars and old imperialistic aims have been revived. Watch as the other republics - like the Ukraine - get invaded too.

                                                                             TODAY'S THREAD:

"What can the US and the world do to stop Russia's aggression against it's struggling democratic neighbors? 


Anonymous said...


Glad to welcome you to the blogosphere.

-Ekovox @ 299 Opine

hucktunes said...

Yes indeed. Nice blog.

hucktunes said...

Gorby says that the Russians got involved in order to stop the carnage.
The last report I read said the Ruskies pulled out.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...