Saturday, August 2, 2008

Savoring Saturday

Shirley and I love our weekends. We enjoy having more time together after a hectic week. The weekends are the week's reward for your labors.
It's getting harder to watch all of the political bullshit surrounding this presidential campaign. McCain's team is leading the way by taking the low road and making false accusations against Obama. Usually the real mud-slinging starts about two months before an election, but that's not the case this year.
Personal attacks are the Republican way, as taught by Carl Rove in the last election. Trying to minimize Obama by calling him a celebrity - and comparing him to Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton - is just a childish way to attack a person. It's like throwing shit against a wall and seei ng what sticks in what quarters. A lie out there long enough has a way of gaining life and people looking for reasons to not vote for Obama seize upon these false characterizations with glee.
Like it or not, this election is about the old and the new. McCain represents more of the same Bush regime, and Obama represents change.
The good old boys in the Republican Party don't want change, they like the way things are. Why shouldn't they? The party is so entwined with the Big Oil companies they might as well call themselves the Black Gold Party, or the Grand Oil Party! It's shameful.
But before you think I'm some dyed-in-the-wool Democrat think again. When I look at how inept our Congress is I see two parties unwilling to compromise and vote in a by partisan way.
I see two parties that have separate agendas - and neither are doing any good for the average American. The American people are the real losers when it comes down to this damn two-party system.
We really don't get a choice in elections. We get two hand-picked party darlings. Take it or leave it. If the mainstream media was really doing it's job we should be hearing about the other parties -yes there are actually other political parties in this country. There are other candidates like Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party, who are running for president.
So how much do you hear about them? Practically nothing because the news organizations are controlled by the two dominant parties; the Democrats and the Republicans. In a conspiracy that starts at the White House and trickles down to the news rooms, these parties control America. They try to convince us that we just need the two-party system by giving them tons of public recognition. Out of sight...out of mind. That simple.
How could we have let this happen in a democracy? Generations of Americans have been brainwashed into thinking they only need two parties to pick a president from. The end result of all of this is that you really don't get a choice. Your force fed two party hacks and told it's the "American Way." I just have two words to say about that- actually a hyphenated word - bull-shit!



"In all due respect, I'm not sure it's credible to quote leading news organzations about...
oh never mind."
Tempe AZ , in the 3rd presidential debate

Here's a thought

"The more things change, the more they remain insane."

Michael Fry & T.Lewis ___________________________________________________________________

Confucius Say....

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."



Success doesn't come to you, you go to it."

-Marva Collins

Famous Quotes

"I don't pretend to understand the universe. It's much bigger than me."
-Albert Einstein

Olympic Excitement

"There's excitement in the air over Beijing Olympics. Also lead, zinc, arsenic, benzene, sulfur dioxide..."
-David Letterman


"To be amused by what you read - that is the great spring of happy quotations."

-CE Montague


Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff Dave, as usual. However, I find it interesting when folks who claim to rejoice in democracy simultaneously find it logical to identify the "two-party' system as the cause of our ultimately "non-choice". If you claim to believe in Democracy then you believe that "the majority rules". The majority could never rule with more parties involved. The math simply won't work. Our leaders could win elections with say 20% of the vote. Not exactly the majority. Only With two parties can the majority rule. This is an utterly illogical position to hold.
The concept of democracy is itself problematic. That is, if you enjoy the concept of individual freedom. After all some dude named hitler (if anyone remembers) was democratically elected.
This fact may shock some, but our country was not intended to be a democracy. It was, and God willing, will continue to be, a Constitutional Republic. The true brainwashing has been propagating the idea that the majority rlues the minority.
Of course our constitutional rights are slowly being VOTED away by the very people the majority VOTED for. Ahh, the irony of illogical premises.
We should all focus on how well our political candidates adhere to the principles laid down in the constitution, and not whether they sniffed coke back in the day or got a hummer in the oval office. This is hard to do when the constitution is never a part of debates or interviews (or mentioned at all, anywhere, for that matter).
If we don't, we are voting for our own demise. And when our demise comes, most will undoubatably point the finger at who the majority voted for.
God Bless you and yours dave.

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...